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How to tell someone that they are overwhelming you

It is never easy to tell someone that they are bothering or overwhelming you, especially if you are close to them. But hopefully this article will give you some helpful advice to deal with it

Before I begin, I want to preface everything by first saying this: take care of yourself. It is okay to be selfish when you are feeling overwhelmed, and those who know you and care about you will understand.

With that being said, my advice to you is to be as straightforward as possible. If someone is overwhelming you, just tell them how you’re feeling. It can be hard and scary to be honest, but the truth always comes out in the end, so it’s best if this person hears it from you early on. There’s a greater chance of you being able to handle things rationally and the other person accepting it that way. The people who care about you and get what you’re going through will understand. Even those who don’t understand will make an effort and give you the space you need. If this person gets upset with you when you tell them, just remember that you are taking care of yourself. Give the other person the space to deal with their feelings and take space for yourself. Eventually, the other person will either come around and be okay, or they’ll stay upset and you guys will drift apart. Both outcomes are very telling about the type of person they are, and will help you to re-evaluate who you actually want in your life and makes you feel good.

I also believe that it is important to tell the other person why they are overwhelming you. If you don’t tell them why then they can’t change and make things better. Don’t leave them in the dark.

However or whenever you handle this, remember that this is about you. Make sure that you are feeling good before you think about other people because too often people put other people’s issues above their own. Be selfish and take time to heal an get your thoughts together.

I wish you the best of luck :)

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